‘Parent’, is a word that is bound to create a picture in everyone’s mind, a picture of a mom and a dad (or a dad and a dad or a mom and a mom, you never know), but what a person sees in that picture differs highly on how their parents were; A look of smile, fear, agony, or anger that one gets after remembering their parents is the result of their parent’s parenting skills (yes skills, nobody is born with them).

What is parenting?

In a very crude definition, parenting is rearing and caretaking of a child’s needs, but if to be defined in a finer manner parenting is raising a child and giving him all the basic tools needed to lead a life, be it social skills, education, love or belonging.

According to the experts, there are 4 kinds of parenting styles, which determines the whole course of the child’s life.

Parenting Style